What makes
a Champion?
A question
often asked about any profession. What is that, which can make me successful?
What shall I do to be the best? Is there a secret or is it just luck? Well in
my opinion there are several things one can do to be a champion like the
athletes in the recent Olympics of London 2012.
Looking at
the Best of the Best there are many things one can say but let’s focus on the
most important elements. Those that you can start doing yourself and be
successful in life or at work.
First thing
champions have is Goal. And it is simple enough. To be the Best they can be, to
be no 1. These may mean to be the first in the world, beat your own country
record, beat your personal best, or just do better than last time and set new
standards for yourself.
Second and most important is that they have a
Plan! A plan of how to train, how to
eat, how to sleep, how to achieve their goal. You see it’s not just hard work.
Hard work on its own may get you nowhere if you don’t have a goal and a plan
how to get there.
So if you want to be a champion, change your
life for ever and be the best you can be, begin with these 2 things. Set your
goal and make a plan how to achieve it. After that follows all the rest which
is hard work, determination and a positive attitude.
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