
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Please Do Not Connect with me on LinkedIn if.....

Please Do Not Connect with me on LinkedIn  if.....

Please do not connect with me on LinkedIn if

a) You do not have a profile picture
b) You do not know me in person and you have no intention in sending a message later on introducing yourself
c) You just want to connect with me to increase the number of connections you have
d) You will be sending me messages with your product offers you do not know if I need
e) You will be filling my wall with your offers in the hope I press like
f) You are not aware of how to use Social Media in the first place

Some basic rules of engagement apply when you use Social Media. My motto is "Act inside Social Media as you Act outside Social Media".

It is better to follow some basic training before you use LinkedIn rather than doing things wrong and expecting a result.

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