
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Facebook Addiction?

Facebook Addiction?          

Facebook can be like an addiction to many. Like in this video, you may see yourself doing the exact same things. Checking Facebook too often, checking up on your friends, spending too much time on games can all be signs of spending too much time on the wrong things.

Why not invest your time on Facebook a little more creatively and focused on building your relationships? Since Social Media is all about connecting why not invest your time to connect and network? Do you want likes and shares? Do you want to feel important to your friends and connections?

Try posting and sharing useful things that will help them get insides of things, get new ideas, or help them be more creative in what they do. Want to make it more fun? Try sharing inspirational videos or posts, or even some funny things with clever messages that will boost there moral.

Time spend doing valuable things for others, can bring value back to you in many different ways!


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