
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Social Media: Which one do I choose?

Social Media: Which one do I choose?

Many times people tell me that getting involved with Social Media is not only time consuming but frustrating too.

Frustrating mainly because they do not know where to start from and which Social Media platforms to use!

Indeed it is true that there are a lot of Social Networks now that are getting more and more attention and subscribers. Many of those have a unique difference or experience to offer. Sometimes they also have a different audience that uses each one of them.

So the question is: which one should I use? Of course no one, no matter how good they are in using Social Media can use all platforms. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Flickr, Tumblr, Foursquare, Instagram are just some of the most popular out there that most people use!

There are some basic steps to follow when choosing which Social Media platforms to use, so you can save time, increase your outcome, and have a more pleasant time while doing so.

First of all find out which are the Social Networks your customers are using. This is very important because automatically you choose the most important networks to focus your energy. This will save you time and money!

Second thing you have to do is to determine which one of those networks your customers are using is the most popular in your country! This will have a big impact on your strategy because your clients maybe using 5 platforms but 1 or 2 are the most popular for them and hence that is where they spend more time!

Third check if the specified platforms are actually being used for work or pleasure. In this way you will be able to modify your content accordingly so you will not be consider as an intruder.

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