
Monday, January 19, 2015

Social Media Trends 2015

Social Media Trends 2015 

As it is clear that Social Media are gaining ground in Marketing Tactics for companies worldwide, one should always pay attention to the trends shaping each year. 

According to the audience you are targeting you should always consider not only your content but in what ways you serve it. 

For example if your audience is on Facebook then you should consider that videos will create more engagement thus serve your messages in that way. 

The same applies for all Social media platforms so if you want to boost your brand you should pay attention to these trends. 

Another important thing to consider is that your clients most of the time use multiple platforms. Instead of using just one or two, their time is divided on 5 or 6 platforms! Thus companies need to spend even more time to find the best possible ways to serve their message across all platforms. 

A third thing to consider in 2015 is that some new platforms are rising and some others are gaining even more ground than before like Google+. Be alert to see those changes and quickly adopt if necessary. 

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