
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Social Media Time Hacks - How to save time when using Social Media

Social Media Time Hacks

Social Media can occupy a big part of your everyday schedule and sometimes you feel that it's too much. Most people want their job done but cannot afford to spend so much time in all the various platforms they are active or keep up with everything that goes on. 

Thus everyone needs to have some shortcuts to get the maximum with the available time they have. So here are some hacks you can start using tomorrow to help you out. 

1) Connect your Social Media platforms - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram etc have the option to be connected with each other and your message to appear simultaneously to more than one platforms. e.g. If I pin something on Pinterest in can appear on my Twitter account and from there on to my Facebook profile. Same things happens with LinkedIn. So If your message is suitable for various audiences connect your profiles and save time. 

2) Schedule Posts - Another great way to save time is to schedule your posts. For example if you have prepared your week's material on a Sunday then go on Facebook for example and schedule your posts to appear at the day and time you prefer. This can also help you post on a time frame that you would otherwise do not have the time to. 

3) Organize your posting ratio - It is very common that people do not have a posting ratio. What this simply means is that you decide ahead how many times you post in a week on each platform. For example if you plan 3 posts on Facebook, 5 on Twitter, 2 on LinkedIn and 1 on Instagram then you can know ahead how much time you need to devote creating or finding your content. This will save you time trying to figure out every day what and if you should post. 

4) Find your subject - Too  many people get frustrated because they do not know what to post about. Thus they lose valuable time trying to find a subject. To avoid that just make a list of what your writing and communicating about, in other words your area of expertise and interest, and everything becomes simpler! 

5) Monitor the right way - As it is taking much time to monitor all your profiles and updates you need to know that you do not have to check every profile continuously. Use your time wisely and either use a third party platform to check all at once or even better devote 10 minutes 3 times a day for monitoring and responding. In this way you know exactly how much time to spend and you stop worrying so much all the time. 

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