
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Social Media! What a better way to connect?

Social Media! What a better way to connect? 

When trying to convince people why they should use Social Media (yes this is something I do quite often) the conversation soon reaches the point of discussing how easy and convenient it is to connect with old friends or family members abroad. While connecting is a primary function of Social Media and a powerful way to reach associates, prospects, leads, important people in your industry, opinion leaders etc, most people do not capitalize on that power and stick to chatting and looking to find old friends.

I never understood why someone in today's business world would not wish to connect with people that could shape their future through the Social Media world! Simply there never was a better way to connect with people and manage those connections, than the use of Social Media Platforms. You can practically find anyone, connect with them, engage them and follow up your connections with a professional way.

Once you establish a good presence in the Social Media platforms and connect with people that matter then a good plan to manage those connections is all you need. Its a lot easier with social media because it reminds you of Birthdays, or you can see posts of important events of people's lives and join in or see what they think on various issues and share your opinion and help them out.

Connecting with people through Social Media is in my opinion an evolution of personal relationships as you can take them to the next level and enhance them through every day activities. People who misuse Social Media and fail to see the positive and practical tools of connecting will surely miss a great opportunity to expand their network and net-worth!!  

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