
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Are you still Ordinary?

Are you still Ordinary?

How well are you doing in you job nowadays? Feeling down? The crisis has hit your company or the company you are working for and you fear for the future? Or are you the one who is hitting the target each month with accuracy and is worry free? 

Lots of questions ha? Well let me share an important inside of what  your boss (or potential boss) is looking from you. Obviously you know if something is not going well in the company you work for. Have you ever wonder what is that you can do to change the overall situation? Well if you don't know here is a piece of advice. Go ask your boss or manager! He or she can probably tell you and guide you of what is required to get out of the everyday misery and hit those targets. 

Too scared to ask?Let me answer that question then. What your boss, colleagues and finally your Clients need from you is stop whining and start doing the extra-ordinary (which by the way is exactly the opposite of what your doing today). 
Whining has never helped anyone and surely not you and your business.

You can't meet the deadlines? work more hours or more clever.You don't close enough sales? get more leads or improve your skills by reading a book or watch a seminar. Feeling you are loosing the ground beneath your feet? go back to your core values and let them guide you.  Your boss doesn't train you? train yourself. Is your competition kicking your ass by providing a better customer experience? go give your customers an unforgettable experience and win them back.  You have spare time? get up from that chair and get to know some people that could help you with improving your business or close more sales. You see everything going wrong? change your attitude! 

Do the above and others will look at you and wonder what is wrong with you. (the correct question would be what is wrong with them?) 
You will start getting results and hit those targets a few times and then you will realize that it wasn't anybody else's fault but yours. Change your everyday inactivity  into actions that are planned and have a specific target. Give your self, your clients, and your colleagues the extra ordinary you, and let them think your from another planet! 

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