
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Positive Attitude!!

Positive Attitude!! 

We many times hear others telling us to think positive and keep a positive attitude when things go wrong or we are in trouble. But what does it actually mean to have a positive attitude, and why don't we have it anyway all the time?

When something doesn't go as planned we find ourselves in a difficult situation and we try to be positive and think positive so the outcome might be different than the one we expect it to be! That is when all things go wrong in the first place we believe that by thinking positive the outcome might change.

So let me tell you this: If you had the right (positive) attitude from the beginning you would have probably not find yourself in an awkward situation! You have to train yourself to acquire and maintain a positive attitude so you face any kind of situation more effectively so the outcome will be a desired one. In other words its not what happens to you its how you react to what happens to you!

But! You will ask me how do I acquire and maintain a positive attitude all the time? Here are some basic steps to apply that will help you gain a positive attitude and change your life forever.

1) Read positive attitude books ( a daily dose every morning of two pages have proven to do miracles)

2) Do positive things at your daily life at work and home (that is things that will add value to you and others around you)

3) Help others whenever possible (even random acts of kindness or helping a cause make you feel a lot better)

4) Observe-Think-Change. Observe the way you speak and react to what others say to you, think about the outcome and the effect its gonna have to you and if you don't like it change it to something that will have a positive impact on you.

5) Evaluate the way you talk. Do you use positive words and always try to find a solution or do you use negative words and see dead ends around you?

6) Do things that make you laugh often and avoid situations and people that are miserable and negative

7) Believe in yourself more and that you can achieve things in life. Have targets and work at them daily. Focus on the things you love most

Being Positive as a person and having a positive attitude is something that depends on You! Tune your mind into a positive mode for good and try to see the best in things and have fun in the process :)

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