
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Turtle Effect!!

The Turtle Effect!! 

Sometimes I come across people and businesses that give me the impression they are flying. They believe they are far ahead of competition or at least going on a fast pace.

At a closer look I many times find that not only they are not going fast, they are actually going too slow! The worst thing though is that they do not realize it. This false impression always gives you the wrong data as to how well you are performing in what you do. I call this false impression "The Turtle Effect"

With the economy being in a depression someone would expect governments to focus on developing and implementing new strategies to help the private sector to become more competitive, fight unemployment and create wealth. Although governments actually believe they are doing those things the truth is once again far away.

Same thing applies to any business trying to do better in a so dynamic and challenging environment. What you actually need to do is to create your own self test of how fast you are going and evaluate yourself every now and then or competition will be kicking your butt for good.

Lets take as an example someone who is using Social Media to promote their business. How often do you post? How often do you contact your connections to offer valuable info? How often do you make new connections? How often do you reply or re-tweet? How often do you keep up with the latest trends and developments? How often do you ask your clients for useful feedback to improve yourself?

Those are some questions you need to be asking yourself if you want to know how fast you are going, or else, you might find out one day you also had "The Turtle Effect"!

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