
Monday, July 8, 2013

Mid Term Evaluation

Mid Term Evaluation

Its July already and a bit more than half year has passed. What a better time to evaluate your progress!!

I know it might be a bit frustrating to talk about evaluation and progress, because it requires you to have targets in the first place. And we all know how frightening or boring targets are for many of you.

But is there a better way to help you move things in the right directions? Is there a better way to help you achieve the things you want in life?

One thing I know is that most people who have targets neglect some of them along the way, only to find later on how sorry they are not to follow up on them.

That is why half year evaluation is the perfect time to see what you have neglected in the process and start working again towards success. Don't worry you haven't begun yet as long as you start know.

Success doesn't come over night and targets are not always accomplished within specific time frames. They are though conquered with hard work and persistence!


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