
Monday, March 10, 2014

Photography Lessons 2 (How photography helped me become a better professional)

Photography Lessons 2 

As I got deeper into photography I begun practicing more and more. On every occasion I take photos, and of course the camera is always with me!

Practice makes perfect as they often say, and that is quite true! Photography though nowadays does not depend simply on taking good photos with good gear.

In order to be able to deliver a really high level of output and provide stunning images my photos have to go through processing. Editing, cropping, color fixing and more, all are necessary, through high end programs, to give the necessary result. In simple words, taking a good photo is just the beginning of a process.

As professionals, in any kind of business, we often depend on others to process an idea and bring it to life so we can eventually profit from it. Many times a great idea is finally not implemented well, or at all, for various reasons. These reasons are often found in our incapacity to understand the necessity of refining and improving those ideas before we hand them over or put them into test! It is our job to be aware of those processes (like editing, cropping etc in photography).

Hundreds of great ideas are lost every day like photos that are not processed correctly, thus they cannot stand against other ones in a highly competitive environment.

If we want our ideas to be successful and profit from them, then we have to utilize all means available into processing our idea and make it a sure success before we implement it.

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