
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Photography Lessons 1 (How photography helped me become a better professional)

 Photography Lessons 1

I love photography and I love taking pictures. It wasn't though until last September when i started photography lessons that I realized that there is so much more to learn than simply taking pictures!

The first thing that I realized is that photography has gone far beyond my perception of where I thought it was. Taking pictures with my mobile was fun but taking pictures with a professional camera was really something else.

So the first thing I've learned was the importance of of being up to date with knowledge on the subject, as well as the gear I have and how to use it.

It is a common phenomenon for many managers and professionals to have the perception that they know all they need to know about their job so they stop reading, going to seminars, learn new practices etc. This is a huge mistake as you will find yourself one day being outrun by technology and of course competition!

Knowing your gear is also important as technology advances so quickly you just cannot afford to stay behind. Take Social Media for example. Can you afford to ignore them or not knowing how to use them correctly? Owing art of the state gear is totally different from knowing to use it efficiently!

Being a person who wants to be a professional at all times this was a great first lesson I took from photography within the first couple of weeks! How about you? Are you as up to date as you should be?

(end of part 1)