
Monday, April 15, 2013

Social Media – If you can’t avoid them; Join them!

Social Media – If you can’t avoid them; Join them!

Social Media is everywhere nowadays either you like it or not. It shapes the way we communicate, the way we do business, holidays, develop relations, marketing, sales, personal branding, etc etc.

Like many others things we have to do in life and in business, we have a choice to enjoy it or do it with an attitude that goes a bit like: “why do I have to do this?”, “I don’t like it”, “it’s not for me”, “I prefer the previous way”.

          Well there is an old saying “if you can’t beat them, join them”. The same thing applies with Social Media. It’s part of our daily lives in so many ways it seems impossible to avoid them. So why not try to take advantage of them instead? Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and so many other platforms have features that can benefit any business person in numerous ways.

Let’s check a few:

·       Connect with your friends and associates
·       Find new prospects
·       Find a job
·       Promote yourself in a huge audience
·       Promote your business
·       Create awareness for your brand
·       Increase Sales
·       Build loyalty
·       Increase communication and engagement with clients and community
·       Share your thoughts and best practices
·       Open your business to new market opportunities

Social Media is a fun, creative and easy way to do all the above. Do not let your fears get in the way. Most people avoiding using Social Media is due to their misconceptions about them or the fears they have (such as not knowing how to use technology well).

Well, I have managed to convince quite a few people over time to start using Social Media and I can tell you that almost all of them continue to do so very enthusiastically. They let go of their fears and misconceptions and are now exploiting all the benefits Social Media have to offer.

So if you can’t avoid them join them!!

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