
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Start Over?

Start Over? 

Too many times it happens so fast you cannot understand neither why or what to do. 

In a bad economy it might not be your fault if the banks are closing down or if you had your money haircut. It is though your duty to find a solution through the mess and not only survive but thrive!

Thriving in a bad economy may not be so easy and certainly may not happen quick enough but it all depends on you. 

Sometimes I get a sarcastic smile when I talk about being positive and trying new things but its usually from people so deep in the problem they have their creativity and will smashed!! 

In so dynamic economy we always must have in mind the changes that occur around us. For business people it should not matter so much why things happen, but how do they find their place of existence in the new environment. In other words, it is not the strongest species that survives but the most adaptive to change. 

Thus if things go bad why not restart? Here is an example: A close friend of mine was doing the same job for the past 35 years. Things were getting worse and worse the past few years as the demand for his services were crashed by the downturn of the construction industry. So he had 2 choices to make. One was to continue struggling more and more on the same path and the second to do something entirely different. 

He took the second choice and closed down he business. He started over by taking a franchise of a Fast-food business near his home town. Fast-food business seemed to be a growing sector at the time and the success quickly came. A year later he opened another one in a bigger town and soon after a Frozen-yoghurt store. 

To cut the long story short all it takes to change your course is a decision. If what you do seems to be a dead end why not do something else? Why not restart? Success ( in all its forms) may be waiting in the next corner!!   

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