
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Star Trek Review and a Business Lesson

Star Trek Review 

I have always been a Star Trek fan, and watching the new movie "Into Darkness", was something I expected for some time now.

The result was more than pleasing when I left the  theatre! Surely a great movie for many reasons.

Analysing a few on my way home, I realized that this particular Star Trek was "built" by the director in a very specific and well organized way to offer the action scenes in the right proportion for maximum experience.

In simple words, the time frame between each action scene, was so well attended in content but also in time management, that was just perfect! The director created very detailed time intervals between the actions scenes so the viewer will be neither bored or tired.

This brought into mind what we do as business people, in any area, when dealing with our "viewers" (customers).

Are we giving them the exact right dose of information? Are we boring them? What is the experience they have with our product or service so they remain "fans" (loyal)? Do we call too often or too rare?

Finding the right balance, or interval if you like, can be a key component of our success in business and life in general .

So I suggest we take the lesson here and evaluate ourselves. Are we posting too often on Social Media or too rare? Are we calling customers too often or too rare? What ever is you answer (too often or too rare) it can be a cause of destroying the overall experience you offer as a professional.

Find the right dose and you have a component of success!

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