
Friday, June 14, 2013

If you Got It then Stick to It

If you got it then stick to it 

If you believe you are special, or better if you know you are special, then you just have to stick to it! Talent is one thing but practice makes perfection. No matter what others may think of you, you just have to insist until you make it!

Many times people will pre-judge you, or your thoughts, or your beliefs or ideas. Do not let this take you down. It is a common thing to be laughed at or being rejected. It is even more common for most people to give up. But you don't have to!

One fine example is this guy who appeared in the famous show America's got talent. While preparing to show his special talent, he was laughed at by the people and one of the judges pressed the X buzzer. He didn't let the voices and rejection take him down and continued to complete his preparation and show his talent.

The result left everyone speechless, the crowd applauding and the judge who presses the X buzzer admitting his mistake!

So if you Got it, Stick to It!!


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