
Friday, August 8, 2014

Social Media Tips if you are looking for a Job

Social Media Tips if you are looking for a Job

Social Media is with no doubt one of the best places to look for a job in the 21st century.

It all comes down to whats your network and how they perceive you to be a person of value!

In simpler terms, how well are you connected (are you using Social Media in an efficient way?), and whats the image you project to those people? (are you showing the best of you through the Social Media Channels?)

Either you are looking for a job for the first time or you are just looking to switch jobs for a better career Social Media definitely is the place you should be focusing.

Social Media networks like LinkedIn provide a huge database of CEO's, Human Resource Managers, General Managers etc of companies that you probably want to work for. Instead of wasting time on sending a CV with the probability of going to an interview you can draw those people's attention much easier.

All you need to do is invest time in growing your network and connecting with people that matter or take advantage of existing connections to make those connections.

The second step which is as equally as important is to be perceived as a person of value. Many networks like LinkedIn, Google+, Blogs, Twitter and Facebook provide you with the opportunity to build your profile and share ideas, experiences and best practices of your area of expertise. LinkedIn again is the champion of building a professional profile and show everyone how great you are!

Please take note that most businesses will check your profile anyway and judge you by its content! Your chances to take the job you want eliminate if what they see it is in contrast with what they want.  So it is entirely up to you what they will see and perceive!

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