
Friday, August 22, 2014

Social Media Tips if you are looking for a job (Part 2)

Social Media Tips if you are looking for a job (Part 2) 

Following my previous article on Social Media Tips to find a job here are some extra info for you!

Below you will see an info-graphic with very useful information on how recruiters and people looking for a job behave and act on Social Media.

The results are pretty amazing!

1) Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter have helped millions find a job.

2) Most employers (92%) will recruit using Social Networks

3) Most recruiters use multiple Social media Channels to evaluate a prospective employee

4) More than half of the recruiters get a positive feeling about a prospective employee through Social Media

So it is even clearer  now that using Social Media on the right way can have a significant impact on your future!

The question is what are you doing about it?

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