
Friday, July 26, 2013

Wineries and Social Media

Wineries and Social Media

I have recently been working on a project that tries to promote the wineries and wines of Cyprus. This effort is a a combination of branding, promoting, creating awareness and interest for the Cyprus wineries. The purpose was to give this industry a boost in promotion through Social Media to a very targeted audience.

The feedback I got from this effort was a mixture of positiveness, scepticism, arrogance and unawareness as to what I was talking about.

Much to my surprise some of the finest and prestigious wineries in Cyprus, with awarded wines, have little to no presence on the internet and Social Media!  

And the big question arises! What are my chances of success if I have the best product but no skills and knowledge to promote it.

And when we talk about promotion nowadays it is all about the internet and Social Media. It is I guess a phenomenon of our times for many people and businesses to complain about the bad economic situation and low sales. At the same time they devote little to no time in helping themselves via this huge opportunity called Social Media.

Same thing with wineries in Cyprus. We have made huge steps the past ten years in upgrading our facilities and quality of wine. Now we are at a point where we need to make a joint effort to brand Cyprus wine and boost sales, and we still are sceptic about the benefits and the use of internet and Social Media.


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