
Friday, August 2, 2013

Is Facebook advertisement and promoted posts worth your money?

Is Facebook advertisement and promoted posts worth your money?

Facebook advertisement has been around for some time now and it has been used by businesses and individuals to promote what they do.

Whatever your target is, i.e. get more likes, more followers, sell your products or service, Facebook is providing a very detailed demographic and psycho-graphic database to help you succeed. It may be debatable as to the accuracy of the data people put into their profiles but non the less we are talking about more than a billion users!

From my experience, not all brands or individuals will see success by promoting their posts or page. First thing you have to consider is evaluating your own presence on Facebook. Do you have a nice looking page? Is your content appealing and has value for the people you want to attract? Do you provide a good communication channel? These are just some of the important questions you have to answer first!

Looking back to the various campaigns I have participated to advertise pages on Facebook and promote posts I can tell you one thing. It has been the single most important media I have used for advertisement the past two years!

The engagement level with the targeted audience has been more than pleasing, and the interest the campaigns have generated have been more than expected. Above all, the fact that you can target the desired audience and measure results is a powerful weapon because you can shift your strategy at any time by pausing a campaign or changing the inputs.

In this way you can optimize the money you spend and maximize your results.

If you do not know how to use the various options given to you by Facebook or you do not have the basic things in order as I said above  it better to consult an expert to help you out.  


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