
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Who Cares about Customers?

Who Cares about Customers?

Bad service will probably never extinct. That's a fact I suppose. No wonder those who provide good or great service will always be more successful than those who don't!

Last week I had one of those striking experiences of bad service that goes a bit beyond the norm, and with me a dozen of other people.

I entered the bank I usually do business with and I was number 3 in line, with the two clerks serving a customer each.

A third person behind the desk was wondering around doing nothing at the moment and I hadn't figured out her role since she had no uniform.

Ten minutes later a dozen of people were behind me waiting for their turn to be served. By then I was next in line, waiting for my turn. The third person had disappeared and reappeared ten minutes later with her grocery!

I was still waiting for my turn and so were the other dozen of people who were starting to get frustrated. A few minutes later I was being served and the lady with the grocery was now bringing coffees for the two clerks.

It was already 30 minutes since I entered the bank and what followed next was a big surprise for me. The lady in question was now sitting behind a desk and in front of a computer and with an all natural style asked: "Does any one need to make a deposit?"

At that time I confirmed my suspicion that the lady was a bank clerk who happened to be "occupied" with other things for half an hour, obviously more important  than serving customers!

I left the bank wondering:

1)Does this kind of people realize that they are the ones driving their customers away and not anyone else?
2) Is a good, descent service so hard to find?
3) Do you put your customers at the top of your list each day?
4) How can anyone make sure that this customer fails do not happen in their businesses?

What do you think?

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